
Apps | Manual by Jason Curtis Anderson

Manual is an app that provides a few great features your iphone's default camera has neglected such as shutter speed and ISO. I've been testing it all weekend and could not be more happy with the results,  Manual takes any of those common situations where its either too dark or too bright and lets you dial it in to capture your moment perfectly. you can purchase Manual here for $1.99 in the itunes store.

Apps | Breather by Jason Curtis Anderson


Breather is a new app that allows you to book a private space by the hour. When a hotel lobby or coffee shop is too loud or stressful for your current needs, breather is your affordable solution to the problem. Whether its to meet a client in private, use some wifi, or just relax on a couch and make some phone calls, breather helps you find the right fit. Now available for usage in NYC, check out more at breather.com